Burglar Chugs Gasoline as Cops Surround Vehicle with Guns Drawn

A bizarre scene in Seattle as a burglary suspect decided to chug from a can of gasoline as cops moved in for his arrest.

The footage is wild, you see a guy sitting inside a truck parked in a garage as cops shout commands for him to get out of the vehicle. The guy takes a swig of the gasoline, as officers inform they’re about to break a window, which doesn’t really phase the alleged crook.

Once the glass is broken, the dude takes another gulp before officers wrestle the gasoline away from him, drag him out of the truck and into handcuffs.


Unclear what the alleged burglar thought he’d accomplish with the stunt, though at one point during his arrest it sounds like he says, “Shoot me” … so it could’ve been an attempt at self-harm.

As for how the whole thing started — a spokesperson from the Seattle, WA Police Department says they got a call from a 17-year-old girl Friday about a man trying to break into her parents’ home.

In the body cam footage, you see officers force entry into the home, search for the girl and eventually find the suspect in the garage … where the gasoline scene unfolds.

The suspect was treated by paramedics and then taken to King County Jail and booked for residential burglary.

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